Global variables defined in menu_manager.
debugEcho() function is now named print_r().Guid() function is now named generate_uid().String-related functions defined in a are now a part of _G.string.table.qsort() fix to support string with number/boolean comparison.Table-related functions defined in a are now a part of _G.table.Shorthand functions for adding single mouse handlers: addMouseDownHandler(), addMouseUpHandler(), addMouseMoveHandler(), addMouseUpRightHandler().Support for different radius values for the top and bottom side of rounded UIElements.UIElement mouse hooks are now initialized by default and no longer need to be defined manually by scripts.Horizontal scrollable lists support for UIElements.UIElement imageHoverColor and imagePressedColor fields to use for image transition animations.Patterned and recolorable image support for UIElements.draw_quad() has been extended to support texture tinting.Texture resolution is no longer required to have power-of-two sides.
Starting with 5.55, all new functionality will have EmmyLua-powered annotations for easier code understanding and documentation purposes."After claim" bounty text can be set for the additional 2000 TC and is a great way to customize your profile with an extra caption or annoy your friends with some silly text that they'd have to live with.Old players may remember bounty text working differently in the past - it would be added to your account after the bounty is claimed instead of only being shown while it's active.Requirements to win games by points or disqualification.

New quests that you'll notice when completing Battle Pass and with future events: Toribash - & quot Just when ragdoll was becoming an irritant for gaming, Toribash swoops in to demonstrate why it's the best thing since shaded pixels.& quot - PC Format& quot Great physics the best PC fighting game since & quot Rag Doll Kung Fu.& quot - PC Gamer UKToribash is an innovative free-to-play online turn-based fighting game where you’re able to design your own.